I'm curious about how it is you think you "treated her" if she paid?
On my first dates, I generally offer a small sportscar.
when i first met my wife and on that so important first date i was 21 years old and sadly broke, she was an 18 year old au pair.
any way i treated her to mcdonald's but she had to pay for the meal.
now over 20 years later and still together, i realize how lucky i was she didn't say on that first date " if you can't afford to pay "our" mcdonald's meal f...off" .
I'm curious about how it is you think you "treated her" if she paid?
On my first dates, I generally offer a small sportscar.
this site is great, i have been lurking for a while now.
but i can’t get reinstated and have used some of the advice already given.. i was df’d many months ago and go to all the meetings and do all the preparation for the meetings, but the jc committee keep refusing me.
tomorrow at the clam meeting i am puting yet another letter in and will be called for another dreadful jc meeting.. 1. what can i say to the elders to show that i am truly repentant?.
Gonzobear suggested, "...Ask yourself what love is."
this site is great, i have been lurking for a while now.
but i can’t get reinstated and have used some of the advice already given.. i was df’d many months ago and go to all the meetings and do all the preparation for the meetings, but the jc committee keep refusing me.
tomorrow at the clam meeting i am puting yet another letter in and will be called for another dreadful jc meeting.. 1. what can i say to the elders to show that i am truly repentant?.
I'm not going to question your motives or your sanity; I'm going to tell you how the game is played:
The name of the game is SUBMISSION, and the way it is played is you stop asking for reinstatement and remain silent, waiting on their ( the JC's) great good pleasure.
When THEY are satisfied that they have broken you and that you are now compliant, they will reinstate you.
Your role in this game is "PAWN." You must let the JC "have their way with you," and there must be no whimpering or protestation.
if a jw wanted to get a concealed carry permit, would the society have any moral or ethical problems with it?
in other words, if one of your elders noticed you were carrying concealed, would they be apt to just ignore it or would they counsel you on it?
"In terms of money and peace of mind, it is cheaper to be robbed than to kill a robber not give him the loot."
Whose tombstone did THAT pearl of whiz-dumb come from?
What do you do if the perp decides that he's going to "up the ante" a bit by torturing you before he puts you out of his misery? What do you suggest then, prayer and a nice herbal tea?
Your life is your first possession. If YOU don't treasure it, who will? Baby Jay-sus?
a few weeks back i showed the guardian article about the borg refusing to cooperate with the charity commission into child abuse to a fellow jw.
their response was quite amazing.
they told me that in the 50s-80s people didn't know about child abuse, didn't know it was wrong and no one really believed children when they claimed they had been abused - even worldly people.. they said that alot of the time children lie about being abused or therapists plant false memories in their heads and that apostates lie about being abused to undermine our faith.. about the borg not cooperating with the commission they said that it was probably because they wanted to protect the identities of jw's who had been abused.
Nice work, darkspilver!
Hi ho Spilver!
if a jw wanted to get a concealed carry permit, would the society have any moral or ethical problems with it?
in other words, if one of your elders noticed you were carrying concealed, would they be apt to just ignore it or would they counsel you on it?
You can carry a pistol, but you must not own any ammunition.
a few weeks back i showed the guardian article about the borg refusing to cooperate with the charity commission into child abuse to a fellow jw.
their response was quite amazing.
they told me that in the 50s-80s people didn't know about child abuse, didn't know it was wrong and no one really believed children when they claimed they had been abused - even worldly people.. they said that alot of the time children lie about being abused or therapists plant false memories in their heads and that apostates lie about being abused to undermine our faith.. about the borg not cooperating with the commission they said that it was probably because they wanted to protect the identities of jw's who had been abused.
"They told me that in the 50s-80s people didn't know about child abuse, didn't know it was wrong..."
Then how do they explain these articles, published in "AWAKE!" magazine?
"The deputy chief of the Children's Bureau of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare expressed the concern that many persons are feeling about parental cruelty. This public official stated: "While child abuse is no new problem to the Children's Bureau, our deep concern today is motivated by its apparent increase and by its particularly violent nature." -- "PARENTS CAN BE CRUEL" AWAKE!, page 13, April 8, 1963
"Corruption Widespread
The Church of England is not the only religion beset with these moral problems. On August 5, 1960, in Edinburg, Texas, a young Roman Catholic priest was charged with attempted rape of a 20-year old college girl as she knelt to pray in the Sacred Heart Church. On December 3, 1960, the Des Moines Register reported that Roman Catholic priest Lawrence Dudink, 47, pleaded guilty in court to a charge of abducting a 17-yearold girl from St. Mary's Hospital in Superior, Wisconsin. The police found the priest and the girl in a two-room motel cabin in Phoenix, Arizona. -- "Is Religion Dying?, "AWAKE!, page 8, March 22, 1962
not too sure how long it will be, but i think that i will not be in a position to look at this site.. i met some cool friends on here.
i enjoyed having the speedy access to the private correspondence before the elders.
thanks atlantis, and all those that have had a share in this.
Truly I tell you today this site will not be in Paradise.
now we all have heard how the universe is composed of matter and space.
and we always here of how it had a beginning.
but really what could have begun it?
At last! A thoughtful and well thought out thread about the marvel's of creation!
I here such article's are becoming increasingly rare on this sight, so imagine my releaf to sea this!
Forces such as dust and gases are NOT the Engine's of Creation, as all of God's lovers no.
How long will it take until we admit that talking horses and yes, even talking unicorns is possible!
Ignore the worldly wisdom of "educated" men and folloe the glossolalia of the fools for God. You will prophet in the end.
[/sarcasm: OFF]
ok, i am reading through the book the watchtower and the masons by fritz spring meier which i am finding a fascinating read; and discovered that judge rutherford published the book 'cause of death'.
what is incredible is the book cover.
the book was published in 1932 which would have been a little bit more eye catching back then.
Landy said, "What an excellent resource."
Wow, yes, it certainly looks like it may be... I need to explore this a bit.